Located in the fertile Pioneer Valley of Suffield, CT. We grow fruits, vegetables and flowers using organic practices and raise pastured eggs all year long. You can find our produce and eggs at our farm stand, Suffield Farmers Market and through our weekly CSA style bundles.
We are a small family based farm focused on creating healthy soil. We don't use or spray any synthetic herbicides or pesticides on our crops; if our kids can't run through the fields we are doing something wrong. If it isn't natural we don't use it. We build our soil with locally sourced compost, following nature and not disturbing the soil. We like to think of ourselves as soil farmers; by fostering healthy soil, we grow crops that are some of the tastiest and most nutrient dense you are going to find. We want to leave the world a better place for our kids and generations to come.

The Farmer
Mike Mosher
Mike is the veggie guy. He has a degree in Ecology and Conservation Biology and works as a high school science teacher during the farming "off season". He wants to make the future a better place and sees the two ways to do this; through education and a change to our current food system. He is a first generation farmer and is always excited to put the next seed in the ground and see what will pop up.